Eric Pauley

Eric Pauley

PhD Candidate & NSF Graduate Research Fellow

University of Wisconsin–Madison


I am a Ph.D. candidate and NSF Graduate Research Fellow at the University of Wisconsin–Madison. I am advised by Professor Patrick McDaniel.

My current research focuses on how public cloud deployment models upend existing assumptions about networks and the way we measure them. I have explored how cloud providers can improve security for tenants and their customers, including work that has made practical impact on provider offerings. I am also developing new ways of using public clouds to gain a novel perspective on broader Internet phenomena. I’ve leveraged my experience in statistics and performance measurement in collaborative works on software security (e.g., fuzzing), machine learning security, and Internet of Things.

Outside of grad school, I like finding new ways to challenge myself. I co-founded and recently sold an email marketing technology business, Sendtric. I am an instrument-rated private pilot and spend much of my free time flying/maintaining my Piper Arrow.

I also enjoy 🥾 backpacking, 🧗 rock climbing, 🦆 bird watching, 📷 photography, and combinations thereof.


Selected Publications

(2025). Secure IP Address Allocation at Cloud Scale. Network and Distributed Systems Security Symposium (NDSS).

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(2023). The CVE Wayback Machine: Measuring Coordinated Disclosure from Exploits Against 2 Years of Zero-Days. ACM IMC 2023 (Best Paper Runner-Up).

PDF Cite Slides DOI

(2023). DScope: A Cloud-Native Internet Telescope. USENIX Security 2023 (CSAW ARC Finalist).

PDF Cite Slides Project Website

(2023). The Space of Adversarial Strategies. USENIX Security 2023.


(2023). Understanding the Ethical Frameworks of Internet Measurement Studies. EthiCS 2023 (Co-located with NDSS 2023) (Best Paper).

PDF Cite Slides DOI

(2022). Measuring and Mitigating the Risk of IP Reuse on Public Clouds. IEEE S&P 2022.

PDF Cite DOI Talk/Slides